Training Program
HeartPaths has been training Spiritual Directors in Oklahoma since 1982. Each HeartPaths cohort is open participants who sense a gift and call to spiritual formation or spiritual direction, who desire to deepen their spirituality and awareness. Participants include both laity and clergy who wish to learn in an ecumenical environment rooted in the Christian story and its ancient spiritual practices. Participants must be willing to honor all human experience as having a place in God’s revelation and be interested in a contemplative, life-affirming approach to spirituality.
Our training program is designed with three phases. The first year deepens your own spiritual formation and group facilitating skills and leads to the Certificate in Group Spiritual Formation Leadership. Those who discern a calling to continue will complete the second year Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius and the third year Practicum in Spiritual Direction. Completion of all three years leads to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction. Tuition is on a sliding scale. New cohorts begin each September and applications are open through August 1st. But class size is limited to 12 people, so we encourage you to apply early to reserve a spot.

Year One:
Spiritual Formation​
Students meet weekly on zoom in a meditation and prayer group, experiencing various ancient contemplative practices individually and as a group. Practices include, breath prayer, centering prayer, Ignatian contemplation, labyrinth meditation, praying with icons, and others. Students go deeper into embodiment practices and fellowship with two retreats, one in the fall and one in the spring, at St. Francis of the Woods. They also meet monthly for spiritual direction with a HeartPaths leader.
Students read and discuss key books in the field of spiritual formation, spiritual disciplines and contemplative prayer. They also write periodic reflection papers and prepare and present a closing project to demonstrate proficiency in organizing and leading a group contemplative retreat.

Year Two:
Ignatius Transposed
Students engage The New Spiritual Exercises, a nine month prayer journey through the life of Christ based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola but transposed through the lens of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Our retreat is based on Louis M. Savary's groundbreaking book The New Spiritual Exercises: In the Spirit of Pierre Teilard de Chardin. Themes relating directly to the ministry of spiritual direction include spiritual freedom, finding God in everything, the spiritual states of consolation and desolation, and joining God’s “Christ Project.” Which encompasses the entire evolving universe, and aims is to bring creation along with all of us back to God, fully conscious of our divine origin and divine destiny.
Students will perform daily prayer exercises, participate in weekly group meetings, and meet monthly for spiritual direction with a HeartPaths leader. For more information about Ignatius Transposed, click here.

Year Three:​
Students develop and practice the art and skills of spiritual direction. Their learning is focused on three to four directees, peer supervision, and the exploration of core competencies related to spiritual direction. Students meet monthly for spiritual direction with a HeartPaths leader, read and discuss books related to the practice of spiritual direction as well as significant articles from the journal Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. They also prepare and present a final project to demonstrate their understanding of spiritual direction principles.